| 99 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/CAS-CHEM-Watson-Kgoadi-Mudd-080824_800x533.jpg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | Creating new chemistry tools | A new method for creating phosphine ligands invented by UD professor Don Watson and his research team will give chemists an easier way to create more precise reactions for use in a variety of applications, including manufacturing pharmaceutical drugs. | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/Creating-new-chemistry-tools.aspx | |
| 98 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/cas-aspira-academy-ai-viruses%20thumbnail.jpeg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | Ready, set, VirusGo | UD project uses augmented reality to teach virology | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/Ready,-set,-VirusGo.aspx | |
| 97 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/udaily-default.jpeg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | Future leaders and innovators | 12 UD students, alumni awarded 2024 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/Future-leaders-and-innovators.aspx | |
| 96 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/cas_facultycollage_thumbnail.jpg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | College of Arts and Sciences faculty honored | Six UD faculty receive awards for excellence in the areas of teaching, scholarship, advising, advocation, faculty mentoring and service. | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/College-of-Arts-and-Sciences-faculty-honored.aspx | |
| 95 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/fb-research-rankings-800x420.jpeg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | University of Delaware rises in research rankings | UD’s research enterprise made a big leap forward in the National Science Foundation’s latest Higher Education Research and Development Survey rankings. | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/UD-Rises-in-Research-Rankings.aspx | |
| 94 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/fb-honors-college-alumni-award.jpeg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | Improving the Nation’s Schools | UD alumnus Jimmy Sarakatsannis recognized by Honors College for work in education | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/Improving-the-Nation’s-Schools.aspx | |
| 93 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/DAR-2023-Toolkits-GivingTuesday-FB-IG-post-general.jpg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | Giving Tuesday | The Tuesday after Thanksgiving our community will come together for GivingTuesday, a global day of philanthropy. You can explore projects featured in the college including research and experiential learning opportunities​. | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/Giving-Tuesday-2023.aspx | |
| 92 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/fb-joe-fox-800x420%20copy.jpeg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | 2023 Francis Alison Award | Groundbreaking chemist Joseph Fox recognized with UD’s highest faculty honor
| https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/2023-Francis-Alison-Award.aspx | |
| 91 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/UDaily-default.jpeg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | 2023 Nobel Symposium | Faculty experts discuss research of newly minted Nobel laureates
| https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/2023-Nobel-Symposium.aspx | |
| 90 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/ACS-Fellows-photo-illustration-800x420.jpeg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | Outstanding Achievements | Wilfred Chen, LaShanda Korley and Mary Watson were named as 2023 Fellows of the American Chemical Society | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/Outstanding-Achievements.aspx | |
| 89 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/laure-kayser-coe.jpeg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | Activating Fine-Touch Sensation | UD Engineering’s Laure Kayser received a Beckman Young Investigator award to support her research on assistive soft robotics and tactile displays | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/Activating-Fine-Touch-Sensation.aspx | |
| 88 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/chembiochemnews.jpeg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | Upcycling Plastics | UD researchers describe a new method for recycling plastics that contain common yet hazardous chemicals | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/Upcycling-Plastics.aspx | |
| 65 | <img alt="" src="/news/PublishingImages/cas_facultycollage_23J_800x500.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | College of Arts & Sciences Faculty Members Honored | Eight University of Delaware faculty members were recently honored by the College of Arts and Sciences for excellence in the areas of teaching, scholarship, advising, advocacy, faculty mentoring and service. | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/Pages/College-of-Arts-&-Sciences-Faculty-Members-Honored.aspx | |
| 87 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/Hadden-Perilla%201.jpg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | Computation and crochet | UD Professor Jodi Hadden-Perilla to use NSF Award for virus studies, assistive technology for the blind, crochet for all | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/Computation-and-crochet.aspx | |
| 86 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/Aerial.jpg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | Faculty promotions announced | Trustees approve 80 faculty promotions | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/Faculty-promotions-announced.aspx | |
| 84 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/national%20academy%20of%20sciences.jpg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | In recognition of distinguished original research | James M. Jones, Anthony M. Kossiakoff elected to National Academy of Sciences | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/In-recognition-of-distinguished-original-research.aspx | |
| 85 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/plast.jpg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | Celebrating excellent teaching, advising | Faculty Senate honors faculty, graduate students for excellence in teaching, advising | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/Celebrating-excellent-teaching,-advising.aspx | |
| 83 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/plast.jpg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | Phi Beta Kappa inducts new members | Phi Beta Kappa inducts 64 undergraduates into nation's oldest collegiate honor society and recognizes student awared winners. | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/Phi-Beta-Kappa-inducts-new-members.aspx | |
| 82 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/Goldwater%20scholars%202023.jpg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | Goldwater Scholars | Four UD students awarded top science and engineering scholarship | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/Goldwater-Scholars-2023.aspx | |
| 81 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/aerial%20view%20of%20campus.jpg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | UD graduate programs among top in nation | 2024 rankings spotlight top UD graduate programs | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/UD-graduate-programs-among-top-in-nation.aspx | |
| 80 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/power%20of%20applied%20chemistry.jpg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | Power of applied chemistry | Nobel laureate Richard R. Schrock will speak at UD in a new lecture series | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/Power-of-applied-chemistry.aspx | |
| 79 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/making%20molecules.jpg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | The chemistry of making molecules | UD’s Mary Watson earns national award for groundbreaking work in catalysis | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/chemistry-of-making-molecules.aspx | |
| 78 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/Bioelectronic%20innovations%202.jpg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | Bioelectronic innovations, empowered by chemistry | UD Professor Laure Kayser received an NSF CAREER award to further her group’s materials science research | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/Bioelectronic-innovations.aspx | |
| 77 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/mangone23thumb.jpg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | Neunuebel, Perilla named Mangone Young Scholars | Josh Neunuebel, a neuroscientist, and Juan Perilla, a biophysical chemist, have been named 2022 Mangone Young Scholars. | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/Neunuebel,-Perilla-named-Mangone-Young-Scholars.aspx | |
| 76 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/2022-nobel(1).jpg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | Nobel laureates lauded | UD researchers, scholars explain this year’s prize-winning work | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/Nobel-laureates-lauded.aspx | |
| 64 | <img alt="" src="/news/PublishingImages/People/2022-fox-joseph.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | UD’s Fox cited in Nobel’s chemistry announcement | Development of fast new reaction provides new biological and biomedical tools | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/Pages/ud-fox-cited-in-nobels-chemistry-announcement.aspx | |
| 63 | <img alt="" src="/news/PublishingImages/2022/2022-09-26-spectrometer-1.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | Key research tool | New UD spectrometer can detect surface materials, down to individual atoms | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/Pages/time-of-flight-mass-spectrometer-andrew-teplyakov.aspx | |
| 62 | <img alt="" src="/news/PublishingImages/Catherine.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | Life cycle of a fact | Catherine Leimkuhler Grimes provides insight into the rigorous process that lies at the heart of science, and how knowledge comes to be. | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/Pages/life-cycle-of-a-fact.aspx | |
| 61 | <img alt="" src="/news/PublishingImages/2022/Robinson-Dame-Carol.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | A smashing journey through science | Pioneering chemist Professor Dame Carol Robinson to present Jefferson Lecture, May 2 | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/Pages/a-smashing-journey-through-science.aspx | |
| 60 | <img alt="" src="/news/PublishingImages/2021/bugs-bio-2021-1.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | Bugs and biochemistry | Hal White shares his intellectual journey with members of UD’s Association of Retired Faculty | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/Pages/bugs-and-biochemistry.aspx | |
| 59 | <img alt="" src="/news/PublishingImages/2021/grimes-research-2021-2.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | New tools for critical research | Professor Catherine Grimes and collaborators produce powerful new tools for understanding the immune system | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/Pages/new-tools-for-critical-research.aspx | |
| 58 | <img alt="" src="/news/PublishingImages/2021/mugridge-research-eraser-enzymes-image1.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | Eraser enzymes | Biochemist studies when enzymes in cells go wrong, lead to cancer | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/Pages/eraser-enzymes.aspx | |
| 57 | <img alt="" src="/news/PublishingImages/2021/hiv-capsid.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | Strategic advances in HIV research | UD’s Juan Perilla and team produce high-precision model of HIV dynamics in collaboration with Oxford | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/Pages/strategic-advances-in-hiv-research.aspx | |
| 55 | <img alt="" src="/news/PublishingImages/cas-faculty-award-2021-rozovsky.png" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | Outstanding faculty | Sharon Rozovsky, associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry, has received a 2021 faculty excellence award from the College of Arts and Sciences, recognizing her success in advocacy. | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/Pages/cas-faculty-awards-2021-chemistry.aspx | |
| 56 | <img alt="" src="/news/PublishingImages/2021/teaching-gradually.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | Genova publishes book to share classroom strategies with new instructors | Professor Lauren Genova co-edited the first book written exclusively by graduate students for graduate student instructors and early career faculty members | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/Pages/genova-teaching-gradually.aspx | |
| 53 | <img alt="" src="/news/PublishingImages/fox-chase-fellows-2021.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | Immersed in research | Summer program offers opportunity for students to work in cancer center | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/Pages/cancer-research-student-summer-program.aspx | |
| 52 | <img alt="" src="/news/PublishingImages/MOF-1.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | Electrically driven chemistry | UD advance opens door to accessing new materials for catalysis, sensing and gas storage | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/Pages/Electrically-driven-chemistry.aspx | |
| 13 | <img alt="" src="/news/PublishingImages/Carly.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | CHBC Graduate Student Receives Brennie E. Hackley, Jr. Award | The winner of the 15th Brennie E. Hackley, Jr. Award for Excellence in Research is Ms. Carly Byron. | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/Pages/CHBC-Graduate-Student-Receives-Brennie-E.-Hackley,-Jr.-Award-.aspx | |
| 16 | <img alt="" src="/news/PublishingImages/Kunene_Thabiso-2015-03.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | CHBC Graduate Student Receives Glenn S. Skinner Memorial Award | The 54th annual Glenn S. Skinner Memorial Award was presented to Dr. Thabiso Kunene at his dissertation defense on May 3, 2021. | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/Pages/CHBC-Graduate-Student-Receives-Glenn-S.-Skinner-Memorial-Award.aspx | |
| 28 | <img alt="" src="/news/PublishingImages/carlyb-arig.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | Two Department Grad Students Receive Energy Grants | Carly Byron and Aeri Gosselin chosen for DOE Grants | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/Pages/Gradenergygrant.aspx | |
| 20 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/disabilities-act-booksh-image1.jpg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | The ADA at 30 | Karl Booksh, professor of chemistry and biochemistry, is a prolific researcher and an outspoken advocate for people with disabilities, especially in academia. | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/disabilities-act-booksh.aspx | |
| 50 | <img alt="" src="/news/PublishingImages/webXSEDE.png" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | Students earn grants in Computational Chemistry | Two undergraduate students will receive support from XSEDE EMPOWER for summer research projects. | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/Pages/XSEDE.aspx | |
| 43 | <img alt="" src="/news/PublishingImages/wash.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | Chemistry & Biochemistry Research Conduct Plan | Chemistry and Biochemistry Research Conduct Plan | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/Pages/Research-Conduct-Plan.aspx | |
| 26 | <img alt="" src="/news/PublishingImages/Screen%20Shot%202020-05-30%20at%203.15.21%20PM.png" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | Faculty Tribute to Our Graduates | Video Tribute to Our Graduates in Chemistry and Biochemistry for 2020 | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/Pages/Graduation-2020.aspx | |
| 8 | <img alt="" src="/news/college/PublishingImages/shaw1585937264489.jpg" style="BORDER:px solid;" /> | A bright future in research | Junior Olivia Shaw is meeting the challenges of blindness to find success conducting undergraduate research in the field of computational chemistry. | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/college/Pages/A-bright-future-in-research.aspx | |
| 15 | <img alt="" src="/news/PublishingImages/perilla-covid.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | COVID-19 Research | Two University of Delaware researchers have been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to study the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/Pages/COVID-19-Research.aspx | |
| 33 | <img alt="" src="/news/PublishingImages/perilla.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | Perilla & Hadden-Perilla awarded NSF grant for Biophysical characterization of the native SARS-CoV-2 virion | Perilla & Hadden-Perilla awarded NSF grant for Biophysical characterization of the native SARS-CoV-2 virion. | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/Pages/Perilla-Hadden-COVID-19.aspx | |
| 29 | <img alt="" src="/news/PublishingImages/Emilhernandez-pagan.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | Dr. Emil Hernandez-Pagan to Join the Department | Dr. Emil Hernandez-Pagan to Join Chemistry and Biochemistry Department. | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/Pages/Hernandez-Pagan-joining.aspx | |
| 4 | <img alt="" src="/news/PublishingImages/CAS-CHEM-Dyer_Award_Recipients-030220-003.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | 38th Annual Dyer Award Recipients Announced | the 38th annual Elizabeth Dyer Excellence in Teaching Award winners announced at the John C. Wriston Memorial Lecturership on March 2, 2020. | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/Pages/38-th-Dyer-Award.aspx | |
| 11 | <img alt="" src="/news/PublishingImages/Burmeisterpic2.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | Blue Hens Alumni and Friends Reception - CANCELLED | Blue Hen Alumni and Friends Reception at ACS Meeting & Expo in Philadelphia PA, March 22 from 5:30 to 7:30 at the Hard Rock Cafe on Market Street | https://www.chem.udel.edu/news/Pages/alumniandfriends2020.aspx | |